One of the world greatest martial artists alive receives the Order of Saint Michael

guro inosanto

When someone mentions the name “Bruce Lee“, any other explanation is unnecessary. Well, Guro Dan Inosanto was not only Bruce Lee‘s top disciple but also his master of Filipino Martial Arts. After Bruce Lee‘s death in 1973, Guro Inosanto built a great name for himself being a very requested instructor a rare unanimity in the martial arts métier. He also has numerous participations in action films as actor and fight’s choreographer. It’s impossible not to be amazed by this man humility being the legend he is.

Therefore, it was Prince Gharios‘ privilege to honor him with the highest rank (Knight Grand Cross) of the Sacred Order of Saint Michael Archangel. He has declared:

“The greatest purpose of the martial arts is the person’s refinement and self-improvement. To make better men and women. The fighting is important but just a vehicle, a byproduct.  It’s a greater privilege for me to honor Guro Inosanto, than for him to be honored by me. He’s not only a great legend but, above all, a great human being.” 

Prince Gharios El Chemor is also a martial artist with almost four decades of experience, holding black belts in Karate, Kobudo (Japanese weapons) and the 5th degree of black belt in Aikido, awarded by the Aikikai Foundation in Tokyo, Japan. During the historical meeting, Prince Gharios humbly requested Guro Inosanto to become his disciple and, for the prince’s priceless fortune, he was accepted.

More about Guro Dan Inosanto and his academy can be found HERE

More about the Order of Saint Michael HERE



Prince Gharios El Chemor awarded with the title of “Colonel” by the Governor of Alabama

Alabama Colonel Award

HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII was awarded with the title of “Honorary Colonel” by the 54th Governor of Alabama, the Honorable Kay Ivey. The Prince was also honored with the title of “Kentucky Colonel” in 2012.

He declared: “I’m very humbled and honored to receive the title of Colonel from Southern States, after all, I’m a Southern person myself, since I was born and raised in exile in Southern Brazil.”

HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor appointed as member of honor of the Balear Institute of History from Spain

HRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII was recently appointed as “Member of Honor” of the Balear Institute of History, a traditional organization established in the Kingdom of Spain. The institute’s president is His Excellency Dr. Jaime de Ferra y Gisbert, a “Gentleman of His Holiness“. The Papal title, that refers to a lay servant to the Pope, serving in the Apostolic Palace near St. Peter’s Basilica in ceremonial positions, such as escorting dignitaries during state visits and other important occasions. The position is a successor to the earlier position of papal chamberlain, that existed prior to 1968. To be appointed is an honor.