In my name, in the name of the Ghassanid Dynasty, and the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan, I would like to solemnly declare that since no longer ruling, the Royal House presently is an international, non-profit, apolitical, secular, cultural/educational and charitable “umbrella organization” headquartered in the United States, recognized and accredited by the United Nations and by the Government of the Lebanese Republic, responsible for several affiliated organizations, fraternities, humanitarian and cultural initiatives.

Above all, we follow the customary monarchical tradition of non-interference in partisan politics, we do not endorse any leader/and or regime, we do not support any conflict, sectarian group, or militia, we do not condone any use of violence, and we definitely do not actively seek regime change in any country in the Middle East or elsewhere. On the contrary, I and the Ghassanid Princes sworn to serve the Middle Eastern people without asking anything in return, working with the ‘de facto’ constituted leaders, continuing to fulfill our millennial role of serving as a bridge between the Middle East and the West.

HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII
Head of the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan

#princegharios #elchemor #ghassanids #royal #royalty #ghassan #sheikh #ahnumeguerios

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