HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor invited to speak at the prestigious Princeton University

Yesterday, the Prince of Ghassan spoke at the event “The Future of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Towards a Global Consensus that the UDHR Embodies a Civilizational Vision that the World’s Diverse Peoples, Faiths, and Nations Should Strive to Fulfill – An International Consultation among Senior Religious and Academic Leadersat the prestigious Princeton University, sponsored by the James Madison Program of the Princeton University. The high-level event gathered only religious and academic leaders debating contemporary challenges while commemorating the 75th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

The event was part of the G20 Religious Forum (R20). It was promoted by the Nahdltual Ulama, the world’s largest Muslim organization, the Center for Shared Civilizational Values. It was supported by relevant international organizations like the WEA – World Evangelical Alliance, the world’s second-largest Christian organization, second only to the Catholic Church.

The event had the participation of several bishops and priests from different denominations like the Catholic, Anglican, and Evangelical churches, Jewish rabbis from different traditions, Muslim scholars, American and European diplomats, professors of several prestigious universities, and even representatives of Hinduism and the Buddhist Royal Advisor to His Majesty the King of Thailand.

Prince Gharios (left) with The Venerable Phra Anil Sakya, the Royal advisor to His Majesty the King of Thailand
One of the Prince’s interventions at the event. On his right, His Excellency Ján Figeľ, diplomat and Slovak minister of Transports. Was the first special envoy for the promotion of freedom of religion for the European Commission

Here’s Prince Gharios’ official speech: 

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