Royal Family officially received by Albanian president

HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor with HE Bujar Nishani at the presidential palace in Tirana, Albania

HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor of Ghassan Al-Numan VIII, head of the Royal House of Ghassan and members of the Ghassanid Royal Family were officially received by Albanian President Bujar Nishani at the presidential palace in Tirana. The president received the Order of Saint Michael Archangel and invited the Royal Family for an exclusive lunch. The president also received the lifetime membership for the Royal Ghassanid Academy of Arts and Sciences, presided by Prof. Dr. Phil. Thomas Schirrmaher. The Royal House was represented by Prince Gharios El Chemor, Sheikh Selim El Chemor, Sheikh Dr. Elie Gharios, Prof. Thomas Schirrmaher, Martin Warnecke and Erion Prendi recently appointed the official representative for the Royal House in Albania.

Please, click HERE for the article from the Official website of the Albanian Presidency acknowledging the formal audience

Below the official letter of recognition from the Albanian Head of State