Royal House of Ghassan is accredited by the United Nations

HIRH Prince Gharios El Chemor participating on a high profile meeting at the UN Headquarters in NY

The Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan was granted “Special Consultative Status” by the United Nations Economic and Social Council

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC; French: Conseil économique et social des Nations Unies, CESNU) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, responsible for coordinating the economic, social and related work of 14 UN specialized agencies, their functional commissions, and five regional commissions. The ECOSOC has 54 members. It holds one four-week session each year in July, and since 1998, it has also held a meeting in April with finance ministers heading key committees of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The ECOSOC serves as the central forum for discussing international economic and social issues, and for formulating policy recommendations addressed to member states and the United Nations system.

Non-governmental organizations have been granted consultative status to the Council to participate in the work of the United Nations. The consultative status enables an organization to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well as with the United Nations Secretariat, programs, funds, and agencies in a number of ways.

The status can be checked online by clicking HERE

(Important: many organizations have profiles on the UN website but they don’t hold any accreditation unless expressly mentioned in the field “Accreditation(s)/Affiliation(s)”. According to the website: “A profile in this database and on this website does not in and of itself connote any affiliation with the United Nations, unless such affiliation is expressly indicated, i.e., by identifying the type of ECOSOC consultative status held by an NGO.” )

More about the Royal House of Ghassan HERE

More about the United Nations ECOSOC HERE

24 thoughts on “Royal House of Ghassan is accredited by the United Nations

  1. His Royal Highness I am Honored to write you I bow Humbly. I ask you fpr your mery and grace and allow me to come to your Throne.


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